Trouble configuring procedures folder in Unreal 5.4

I was setting up a new project and hit the automatic config, and the automatic setup seems to create a “ghost” folder that cannot be deleted.

by default it created under Content a “ocedures” folder, in addition to creating the Apparance/Procedure folder under Game.


Trying to Delete that folder outputs this message
LogAssetRegistry: Warning: ScanPathsSynchronous: Package /Game/ocedures/ApparanceProcedures does not exist, will not scan.

Version 1.2.12

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Yeah, noticed these a while back, others and myself have found several cases of this. It’s such a bizarre name mangle that I can’t imagine what’s causing it. It is however, very likely related to the ‘virtual asset’ created in the plugin to manage unsaved procedures and have them interact with the close/shutdown checks for unsaved work in Unreal. I’ll add it to the ‘will be fixed’ list, but I can’t promise when though.